
The Idealistic Dreamer: Risking Everything with No Plan B

An idealistic dreamer is often willing to risk everything—no matter what the cost or consequences—and has no plan B.

dreamer roadThere are two types of dreamers: the realist and the idealist. While a realist sets an achievable goal, an idealist is more likely to pursue a pipe dream: “an idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen.”1 They can become obsessed with their dream, overestimate their chances of success, and make foolish decisions. An idealistic dreamer is often willing to risk everything—no matter what the cost or consequences—and has no plan B.

An idealist is “someone who believes that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to others.”2 They imagine the “perfect life” they want to have and set out to achieve it. Unfortunately, not all that the mind preconceives can be achieved. Some dreams are pipe dreams that can never be realized no matter how hard a person tries.

The bigger the dream, the more passion and excitement it can awaken in a person’s heart. A strong desire to achieve one’s dream is important because it propels a person to take action. However, when an idealist has a dream, their desire to make it a reality can go beyond normal ambition. Their dream can turn into an obsession: “an idea with which the mind is continually and involuntarily preoccupied.”3

Obsession with a dream can impair a person’s ability to think logically. Consumed by their desire to achieve their dream, the idealist will make foolish decisions. Common mistakes include spending all their money, borrowing money from family or friends, and quitting their job or refusing to apply for one. The idealistic dreamer fails to consider the consequences if their dream doesn’t come true.

It is natural to be inspired by stories of people who achieved what seemed impossible. These stories give the idealist hope that their dream can come true too. However, for every story of someone who achieved the impossible, there are countless untold stories of people who tried and failed. Although the idealist may be right that their dream is possible, it may not be that probable.

An unrealistic hope can cause the idealist to misjudge their chances of success. They may overestimate their abilities, not realizing they could face competition from people with even greater abilities. They may engage in magical thinking: the idea that anything is possible if you believe it will happen.4 Although it is important to have hope in the pursuit of a dream, obsession with a pipe dream can be a way to avoid facing reality.

If the idealist becomes “high” on hope, and confident that their dream will come true, they are often willing to risk everything to achieve it. The pursuit of a dream always involves some degree of risk; however, an idealistic dreamer is like a gambling addict in a casino. The gambler risks all his savings to win big, but if he isn’t lucky at the card table, he will lose it all. Like the gambler, the idealist takes a large risk to achieve something with a low chance of happening. Sadly, the more that they risk, the more they are likely to lose in the end.

In contrast to the idealist, a realist “hedges” against risk.5 A realist considers options that will increase their future alternatives. For instance, if they work part-time while pursuing their dream, they won’t run out of money as quickly. A realist makes choices that will increase their future alternatives, so they can still have a quality life if they decide to stop pursuing their dream.

A realist can still “dream big”, but they are not willing to risk everything if the dream has a low chance of coming true. Instead, they will pursue their dream part-time until they have a greater chance of success. Later, if they pursue their dream full-time, they set a deadline, and are ready to implement plan B once the deadline passes. In contrast, an idealist has no deadline for achieving their dream, and continues to pursue it at all costs. They only think about plan B if they have no other choice, usually when they run out of money.

When a person has a dream, it gives meaning and purpose to their life. Whether a realist or an idealist, the greatest danger in pursuing a dream is to turn it into an idol: “a statue … worshipped by people who believe that it is a god.”6 Although no one makes their dream a literal god, it can become a substitute. A dream becomes an idol when it is all that a person lives for, when they exalt it above and beyond any other person or priority in their life. If the dreamer idolizes their dream, the desire for its fulfillment can become linked to their identity and self-worth. In the end, if the dream proves unattainable—and they spent many years of their life pursuing it—their identity and self-worth may implode.


  1. Cambridge Dictionary, s.v. “Pipe dream.” Accessed August 25, 2017,
  2. Cambridge Dictionary, s.v. “Idealist.” Accessed August 25, 2017,
  3. Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, Eighth edition, s.v. “Obsession.” Accessed August 22, 2017,
  4. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition, s.v. “Magical thinking.” Accessed November 17, 2017,
  5. Investopedia, s.v. “Hedging for Beginners: A Guide.” Accessed August 28, 2017,
  6. Collins Dictionary, s.v. “Idol.” Accessed September 7, 2017,


  1. Often, those of us who were abused in childhood find solace in fantasy. We can create elaborate dreams of what life will be like…someday down the road. The cruel reality is that those dreams will remain figments of our imagination unless we take concrete incremental steps to bring them to fruition. A better life can be achieved, but only with great effort. Frankly, I think that applies whether there is abuse in the picture or not.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sure, I bet everyone knows an example or two of people that have flung themselves head first after the white rabbit of their dreams, contigency plans be damned. But there’s something I feel is missing here.

    Having a Plan B can easily be mistaken for a lack of faith in Plan A. And as your ambitious Plan A will invariably be foiled countless times before it succeeds, a Plan B will constantly try to convince you to quit. Single-mindedness can be a great motivator to keep on fighting. “Victory or death!” is a much better battle cry than “Victory or an office job!”.

    I agree that Plan B’s are smart. But they’re not always a constructive ingredient to success.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great article. I’d have to say that my dreamer status falls somewhere between the two. The idealist dreamer in me has urged me to take giant leaps into the unknown throughout my life, thankfully with very fortuitous consequences. The current path I’m on (writing) is also thanks to the idealist dreamer in me. However, I’m realistic that I may never achieve my ultimate dream of publication – there are far more talented writers than myself and luck also plays a part, but I’m having a damn good time trying!
    Thanks for popping in to my blog

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you, Woody! I really appreciate it. I’m not sure how popular this post will be because we live in a culture that tells us all our dreams are possible.

    At some point, I want to write a post on the law of attraction.

    The Law of Attraction is based on the logical fallacy known as “affirming the consequent.”

    1) If A, then B. (If I have negative/positive thoughts, then something negative/positive will happen.
    2) B. (Something negative/positive happened.)
    3) Therefore, A. (Therefore, I had negative/positive thoughts.)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Indeed, Chris. The benefits of positivity and goal-chasing actions are well known and shouldn’t be ignored. At the same time I like how you accept that the whole ‘thoughts make reality’ theory can be so dangerous. Countless new-age books and grand, magical theories espoused by the modern ‘spirituality industry’ are based on this supposed ‘law of attraction’.
    Some of the best and most helpful discussion that I have found on this subject is at the ‘Spirituality is no Excuse’ blog (which I recommend).

    All the best,


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