21st Century Films

The Power of Female Beauty: Cinderella (2015)

A woman with physical beauty is a wonder to behold, but a woman with a beautiful character possesses a greater beauty.

cinderella_ver2Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella (2015) reveals what makes a woman truly beautiful. Cinderella (Lily James) is not only physically beautiful, but she also has a beautiful character and personality that set her apart from all her peers. This is manifested in nine virtues: love, kindness, courage, selflessness, contentment, diligence, generosity, humility, and the ability to forgive. An important theme in the film is how people respond to beauty: While the prince (Richard Madden) is swept away by Cinderella, the stepmother and her daughters are repelled by her.

Cinderella is a paragon of virtue. These virtues were instilled in her by her mother (Hayley Atwell) who taught her: “Have courage and be kind.” As an orphan, Cinderella shows love and kindness to her stepmother (Cate Blanchett) who constantly mistreats her, and her courage is seen in her positive attitude after the death of her parents. Cinderella is selfless, offering her bedroom to her sisters, and finds contentment living alone in the attic. Her diligence is seen in the household chores she does in obedience to her stepmother, while her stepsisters, Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Drisella (Sophie McShera), are both idle. Cinderella is generous, sharing her scraps of food with the mice, and giving an old woman (Helena Bonham Carter) something to drink. Cinderella is humble, never presuming that the prince would choose her to be his bride. Finally, despite being wronged by her stepmother in countless ways, she forgives her. These nine virtues make Cinderella more beautiful than any woman in the film. If she did not have physical beauty, she would still be beautiful, for she has a beautiful character and personality.

Cinderella’s beauty is a force that either attracts or repels people. The prince falls in love at first sight with her, drawn at first to her physical appearance, but ultimately by who she is as a person. In contrast, the stepmother and her daughters have no love for Cinderella at all. For the stepmother, Cinderella is a reminder of the husband that she lost, and a threat to her ambition to have Anastasia or Drisella marry the Prince. More importantly, the stepmother and her daughters are repelled by Cinderella because they do not possess her many virtues. Everything that she is, they are not. They are unloving, unkind, selfish, greedy, and lazy. Because they do not love virtue, they do not love Cinderella. Her beautiful character shines a light on the ugliness that is in their hearts.

Cinderella demonstrates the power of female beauty. A woman with physical beauty is a wonder to behold, but a woman with a beautiful character possesses a greater beauty. As women (and men) grow old, their physical beauty usually diminishes. However, when Cinderella grows old, she will still be beautiful, for she is beautiful within. Her beauty will last a lifetime.


  1. Thanks Christopher. I have checked my e-mails and received the e-books. This a great way to get back into my previous reading habit.
    Our minds need a book like a sword needs a whetstone.
    All the best,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Indeed Christopher. I recently met a woman of such striking beauty, a strong physical attraction was unavoidable, but after speaking with her for a while I paid a compliment, “You are such a nice soul.”
    The smile that worked it’s way onto my face as I said that was reportedly beautiful.
    “Thank you sweetie”, was her answer. I’m not quite sure how she took that compliment but it was certainly given in great praise and a level of attraction that wouldn’t fade with time.
    Thanks for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t watched the 2015 film but I’ve always felt that Cinderella was hugely underrated in comparison to other, more flashy, outspoken, Disney princesses like Jasmine, Mulan, etc.

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  4. I love the “Have courage and be kind” quote! You highlight an important theme here. To add to your examples: When Cinderella’s stepsisters ask to be brought parasols and lace, Cinderella asks her father, “Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey.” I think that says a lot about her character.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, yes, yes! I like how you identified Ella’s virtues, emphasizing them more than her beauty, qualified them with examples from the movie, then made a point to note that the prince, though originally drawn to her beauty, ultimately loved her for her heart. I think the original 1950s animated film missed this part, at least in what the audience saw. In this new version, the prince encounters her in the forest before meeting her at the ball, and we actually see them talk and learn about each other. Their attraction was not based on appearance or rank.

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